As a John C. Maxwell Certified Coach, my coaching approach involves deeply understanding you: thinking as you think and comprehending your perspective. From this foundation, I aim to introduce an additional viewpoint to yours, stretching and growing your perception to reveal a more empowering path. As a certified John Maxwell coach, I have the insight to recognize both your current challenges and the opportunities that lie ahead. Coaching is about foreseeing, paving the way, and supporting you as you achieve your goals and transcend limiting paradigms.

I offer two levels of coaching support:

Individual Coaching – one-on-one private and confidential coaching

When I work with you one-on-one, my highest objective is to help you achieve your purpose, vision, and goals by utilizing John Maxwell’s programs tailored to your needs. Together, we will develop a strategic, powerful plan for you to gain clarity through a weekly process that includes interaction and accountability.

Elizabeth’s approach is both compassionate and empowering, ensuring that you’re not just passively receiving advice but actively engaging in your journey of untangling and growth. Her ability to articulate complex issues and guide you through unraveling them is not just a skill; it’s a gift—a gift that she generously shares with all who work with her. With Elizabeth Nguyen by your side, you’ll find the clarity, direction, and empowerment you need to untie any knot and stride confidently forward on your path.

When I work in a group setting, although it is not focused on individuals, the collective input from the group enhances the richness of the discussions and leads to the development of solutions that surpass what any individual could create alone. The cohesive bond that forms empowers each person to develop the leader within and excel in a safe environment that nurtures the entire group. This experience is unparalleled and mirrors the principles of an academic think tank.

Call me at 512-537-0023, and together we’ll create the most effective plan to move you forward.